Leadership, Governance and Family Business Sustainability

“Rags to riches to rags in three generations?” You have something else in mind? The Beringer Group has identified some Key Success Indicators for your consideration.

  1.  Identify future leaders from within and outside the family

  2. Find leaders early and invest in them

  3. Approach CEO succession proactively

  4. Preserve an enduring sense of clearly defined family values

  5. Establish a governance baseline

  6. Assure company and family mission and policies are aligned

  7. Unite behind a common vision for the future of the company

  8. Timely implement any needed reorganization of management structure

  9. Prepare the company to manage organizational change

Sustaining a business across multiple generations presents complex challenges but can be very successful with the proper leadership planning and foresight.The Beringer Group is a nationally recognized thought leader in advanced business transition planning. The private business and family enterprise has been our core clientele since 1979.

Cartoon people holding hands standing on puzzle pieces.

Webinar: Family Business Transition Strategies That Turn Conflict into Opportunity


The Art of Stewardship in Family Business