Manager Search
Our universe of fund managers is virtually unlimited. We do not have any proprietary relationships with management firms or brokerage houses. We are completely independent, and therefore, can include any manager or fund in our search for the best of breed in every asset class. Our client portfolios include managers from the largest and most widely acclaimed firms to the small and relatively unknown boutique shops. Our list of managers consists of seasoned industry veterans as well as up-and-coming groups and start-up firms with the next new great idea or process.
Our client’s interests are aligned with our own. We are looking for the best managers at the lowest fees available in the industry. Many times we can negotiate more favorable fees for our clients than they could obtain without the Beringer Group relationship. Sometimes we can further reduce the fees of managers with whom the client is already invested. Although fees are important, it is not a primary factor in managers we recommend. Some managers will not reduce fees for any number of reasons; however, we focus on the net return to the investor, which may be justified by a higher manager fee.
Money managers within a certain asset class can differ greatly. Returns are generally achieved based on a commensurate amount of portfolio risk in addition to the manager’s ability. It is our job to recommend the appropriate manager(s) to the specific investor.
Once managers are selected to fill out the portfolio allocation, it is our responsibility to conduct ongoing due diligence on the managers to be certain they are providing the management we expect. If a manager deviates from his objective or changes strategies, we will replace that manager without disruption to the portfolio.