The Art of Stewardship in Family Business

Adult hands handing baby hands a growing plant
  • Is one generation enough time for your family business to realize the company’s mission and objectives?

  • Would you like to successfully transition the family business to your heirs for generations to come?

Consider implementing the “Art of Stewardship” in the near-term and as a key part of training and developing future generations. Cultivate a commitment to the future of the family business and train each generation to ask, “How can we positively contribute and become a resource to the company?”. The family enterprise becomes viewed as an extension of themselves and there is a strong connection to its success.Further defined, Stewardship is seeing the ownership of a family business as a responsibility to the next generation, and to employees, and to the community – rather than simply as a financial investment.

At The Beringer Group, the private business and family enterprise has been our core clientele since 1979.


Leadership, Governance and Family Business Sustainability

