Passing the Torch

Few events are more thoroughly planned than the World Olympics. All potential host locations are examined for worthiness and careful thought is given to the iconic ritual of "the passing of the torch".OK.....we realize the transition planning process for your private company is not the Olympics. But, you will someday be passing a torch, and your transition planning should be thoughtful and thorough.Transition options to consider:

  1. Keep and grow the company for your heirs

  2. Sell all or part of the company

  3. Bring in an outside private investor

  4. Do a public offering

  5. Internal Buyout; sell to an ESOP or a management buyout

  6. Other or a hybrid of the options

ALL transition or exit strategies should be studied and modeled for your ultimate consideration and in preparation for your iconic “passing of the torch".The Beringer Group is nationally recognized as a thought leader in advanced business transition planning and family office advising. The private business and family enterprise has been our core clientele since 1979.

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